YADQN Todo List

Stage #1

In this stage I will use a specific game, “Breakout”, to test the whole structure.

  • Figure out the observation given by openai gym.
  • Complete preprocessing part.
  • Model architecture build.
  • Network parameter replace mechanism.
  • Original experience replay.
  • Epsilon decay.
  • Link all part.
  • Add debug information output.
  • Save session parameter.
  • Random start (no op).
  • Test algorithm on game “Breakout”.
  • Configuration setup for algorithm.

Stage #2

In this stage I will continue building some parts for DQN.

  • Add Tensorflow tensorboard support.
  • Display weight
  • Test algorithm on several games. (Aborted: because the algorithm takes too much time to converge)
  • Test on all games mentioned in the paper. (Same reason)
  • Generate last three column of Extended Data Table 2. (Same reason)

Stage #3

  • Implement another memory mechanism
  • Double DQN Implementation
  • Prioritized Experience Replay
  • Dueling network
  • DQfD
  • Store reported score in papers in the repo, and display them
  • Model evaluation

Double DQN

  • Algorithm Implementation
  • Test training


  • Change gym to ale, because each action in gym is repeatedly performed for a duration of kk frames. Fix: Gym provide another environment which don’t have frame skip. Link
  • Store for experience replay and demostration replay.
  • Display replay file in pygame.
  • Test algorithm.
  1. 1. Stage #1
  2. 2. Stage #2
  3. 3. Stage #3
  4. 4. Double DQN
  5. 5. DQfQ